19th FEBRUARY 2023
Saturday 18th February
St. Theresa’s 5.00pm Parishioners’ Intentions
St. Columba’s 6.30pm Anne McCarthy
Sunday 19th February
St. Theresa’s 9.30am Eileen Eaton’s Intentions
St. Columba’s 11.00am People of Syria & Turkey
Monday 20th February
St. Theresa’s Private Intention
St. Columba’s 10.30am Mary Jeffes
Tuesday 21st February
St. Theresa’s Priests’ Intentions
St. Columba’s Caroline & Adam Bennett
Wednesday 22nd February – Ash Wednesday
St Theresa’s Parishioners’ Intentions
St Columba’s 9.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
10.15am Novena Prayers
10.30am Ellie Marsden RIP
Evening Mass 7.00pm Private Intention
Thursday 23rd February
St. Theresa’s Susannah & Vernon Byron
St Columba’s 11.00am Funeral Service for Teresa Gibson
Friday 24th February
St. Theresa’s 10.00am Joseph Russell RIP
St. Columba’s CEC (JC)
Saturday 25th February
St. Theresa’s 5.00pm Margaret Allmark
St. Columba’s 6.30pm Family/Friends & sons (EE)
Sunday 26th February
St. Theresa’s 9.30am Vera Joyce RIP
St. Columba’s 11.00am Richard Murphy
Mass will be streamed from St Columba’s at 11.00am this Sunday19th February 2023.
Please remember in your prayers Vera Joyce, Teresa Gibson, Syd Jones, Kennedy James Rowley and Josie Watts who died recently. M ay The Lord console their families and friends. Vera’s Requiem Mass is on Wednesday 8th March at St Theresa’s at 9.30am. Teresa’s Funeral Service is on Thursday 23rd February at 11.00 am at St. Columba’s .
Eirlys Nolan, Margaret Parry, Annie Faulkner, Leo Joseph Carroll, Charles Edward Davis, Agnes Mary Bennett, John Stead
There will be Confessions after every weekday Mass until 11.30am. at both churches.
St Columba’s: From 6pm before the 6.30pm Saturday evening Mass.
St Theresa’s: From 4.30pm before 5pm Saturday evening Mass.
St Theresa’s 10.00am Mass
St Columba’s 10.30am Mass
7.00pm not 6.30pm Mass
St Theresa’s Friday 9.30am
St Columba’s Monday 10.00am
Please contact one of the Parish Offices to make your arrangements.
SYNOD 2021-2024 Communion Participation Mission The ‘Continental phase’ of the Synod continues, with a week-long Continental Assembly of Europe having been held 5-12 February. The Assembly brought together representatives from all the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe to continue the synodal ‘process of listening dialogue and discernment’, begun at parish and national level in 2021-22. Similar assemblies are being held in the continents of North America, Asia, Middle East, Latin America & Caribbean, Africa & Madagascar, and Oceania. A statement from our Assembly of Europe lists a number of priorities which emerged and could be considered at the next phase of the Synod in October. Many of these relate to further integrating the synodal style into the life of the Church: deepening ‘the practice, theology and hermeneutics (interpretation) of synodality, exploring the ‘forms of a synodal exercise of authority’, clarifying ‘criteria for discernment on the synodal process and which decisions belong on which level’, and fostering ‘the formation to synodality of the whole People of God’. Please pray for the Synod and for our participation, walking together along the way, united in Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Adsumus Sancte Spiritus:We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen. |
We Pray for:
- the residents of Rosewood Avenue, Whitby Avenue, Egerton Drive, Donne Place, Kipling Road, Wordsworth Mews and Wordsworth Square.
- For those on the brass and flower rotas and those who distribute flowers.
- For those who clean our churches and halls.
St Columba’s: Loose plate – £TBA Planned Giving – £TBA; Average weekly SOs – £574.00; Thursday night badminton £101
St Theresa’s: Loose plate – £233.66 Average weekly SO – £161
THANK YOU for all your generous support last Sunday for the coffee morning in aid of the OAKS School in Sierra Leone. We raised £180.
19th Feb – Sue McCarthy for SVP
26th Feb – Volunteers needed please
5th Mar – Volunteers needed please
Why not donate a little time to make tea and coffee to refresh the parishioners after 11:00 Mass on Sunday? You can make some money for your favourite charity, too. Call Margaret Curtis 01244 3184234 to book.
The next youth group will be on Monday 27th February, starting 7pm in the Iona chapel, finishing 8.30pm in St. Columba’s Hall. All young parishioners in school year five or above are invited and very welcome to attend. We have temporarily moved to the fourth Monday because of half term. Would all regular attendees please note the new earlier start and finish times.
The Chester Parishes take it in turns to organise Confirmation. Last year it was St Columba’s and St Theresa’s, this year St Werburgh’s, St Clare’s and St Francis. The date is Wednesday 10th May, 7.00 pm, at St Francis. The Classes will be on Wednesday evenings at St Werburgh’s, 7.00 pm. Flyers at the back of church give full details. Minimum age is Year 8 in the High Schools – no maximum! Launch Meeting is Monday 20th February, and first class is Wednesday 1st March. Contact Fr Paul at St Werburgh’s if you need more information – but the flyer should answer most questions.
As announced last Sunday, at 11 am Mass today Fr William will ask the parish to support and strengthen Anil Palmar, Lindsay Hasaj and John Toop, who are preparing to be received into the Church at Easter. Following his homily Fr William will conduct a Rite of Sending by which the parish, and the Church at large, sends the three to Bishop Mark for the Rite of Election at Shrewsbury Cathedral on the 26th February. Copies of the Rite are available in church porches, to help the congregation to follow it and make the responses when Fr William asks.
Let us join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather. There will be no special collection in church for this appeal as CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day is coming up soon. But you can donate online at https://cafod.org.uk/give/donate-to-emergencies/turkey-syria-earthquake-appeal to help provide food, water and shelter to survivors.
In addition, the Third World wall boxes in both the front and back porches at St Columba’s are now available for donations to the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal for their work to provide help and supplies.
In submissions to the Synodal Process, many people expressed a desire for formation in e.g. Scripture, spirituality and, specifically, the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. To meet these requests, the Department for Evangelisation is offering an introduction to the Council, together with a presentation of two of its major Documents: Dei Verbum (on Revelation) and Lumen Gentium (on the Church). The aim is simply to give an overview of both documents, and enough insight into their content and ongoing importance to encourage people to read the texts for themselves, copies of both of which are available at the CTS or on the Vatican website.
This presentation will take the form of a recorded conversation between Miss Barbara Davies (Coordinator for New Evangelisation) and Dr Stephen Yates (Senior Mission Catechist). The mp3 audio file will be available on the diocesan website from the beginning of Lent; the material will not, however, be time-bound. Printable handouts will enable individual and group reflection. For further information, please contact either Barbara(07730 526821) or Stephen (07842 487978).
Everyone is welcome to come along to this friendly needlecraft group in St Columba’s Hall, between 2:00-4:00pm every fourth Wednesday of the month. Hope to see you 22nd February.
If you have a Red Mission box for collection, please leave it in the sacristy. When counted I can return your box to your home. Thank you, Margaret Curtis 01244 318424.
Thought for the week:
“Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: Who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life.” Pope Benedict the XVI
We’re all in this together:
With Lent starting on the 22 February, thoughts often wander as to what you might give up or sacrifice over the period. Changing a habit or maybe adding in a new habit. Maybe refusing that biscuit with that cuppa, or taking time out to read a meditation or prayer, or poem or page of the bible? By observing the 40 days of Lent, we replicate Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Our change in habit will hopefully allow us to reflect and prepare for the Lord’s resurrection and the celebration of Easter.
If you fancy joining a wellbeing walk, we have two walks close to the Parish: Blacon. Meeting point is Holy Trinity Church CH1 5LA. Tuesday 9.30 (14 Feb- thereafter 10am) lasts about 45 mins and Countess of Chester Health Park, meeting point, The friendly Bench, Friday start 1.00pm, lasts about 1hr. Friendly walks with plenty of chat. For more information check out the Ramblers Wellbeing walk information on their web site.
Chester and Wirral Across Groups are again travelling to Lourdes this year. There are vacancies for nurses, helpers, and sick and disabled pilgrims. We have taken folk with a wide range of health problems such as stroke, cancer, MS, Motor Neurone Disease, etc. The cost is £995. Nurses and under 25s in full time education pay half. However, financial help may be available for those who cannot afford to pay the full amount. COVID Vaccinations compulsory. See church notice boards for further information, or please contact Tony Murphy on 07881-656-974 or tonymurphyefc2002@yahoo.co.uk
This gripping new play will keep you guessing until the final moments!! Wednesday 8th March 7.30pm Gladstone Theatre Port Sunlight. Tickets price £10 available from Sue McCarthy 07515 491251 or any SVP members. All proceeds going to support the running of the SVP holiday home.
To arrange meetings etc. in either the Church, Newman Room or the Iona Chapel, please book through Nuala Keegan, Church Office, 01244 624019, Email: stcolumbaschurch2016@outlook.com
Hall availability can be checked by looking at St Columba’s Church website – section for Church Hall gives a calendar of events in the Hall. Then contact Sue Carr on 07553 114531 or email columbashallbookings@gmail.com to arrange booking.
26th February edition will be compiled by Rebecca Vaughan Phone: 01244 318632, Email: Rebecca_vghn@yahoo.co.uk. Please include a phone number in case of queries, and please ensure that items are emailed or phoned to the compiler by 9.00a.m. on WEDNESDAY 22nd FEBRUARY
Website: www.sscolumbaandtheresa.co.uk