Sunday 8th September: Teas & Coffees in St Columba’s in support of the Altar Servers
After the 11:00am Mass on Sunday 8th September, the teas, coffees and cake sold in the hall will be in support of the altar servers. Richard Curtis, who organises and trains the altar servers provides them with an annual outing and social get-together to thank them for their hours of selfless devotion. Please come to the hall to support Richard in his effort to treat the boys and girls who help make Mass run so smoothly. With your help, they may go bowling for a fun afternoon later in the year.
Sunday 22nd September: Harvest Thanksgiving Mass at St Columba’s Church: Please also remember that on Friday 4th October 2024 this is CAFOD Harvest Fast Day.
Also on Sunday 22nd September will be our knitwear sale in aid of Fish & Chip Shop Babies – an explanation and update
This strange sounding name refers to underprivileged new-born babies in East Africa, whose parents are so short of clothing that they wrap their babies in newspaper – just like we all used to eat our fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.
The KNIT FOR AFRICA project asks knitters in the UK to knit hats and jumpers for these newborn babies to give them a better chance of survival. Barbara Capstick from Holy Ascension had been involved for some time before contacted David & Anne Savage back in October last year to ask if the parish Needles & Pins sewing group could contribute to the effort. There has been a massive response over the past ten months and dozens of parishioners and their friends have knitted garments for this wonderful cause. St Columba’s & Theresa’s knitters have produced countless garments since the end of last year. Since the beginning of March, St Werburgh’s parishioners have also joined the knitting frenzy. Barbara Capstick is responsible for packing and sending multiple boxes of these cloths to the Phoenix Resource Centre in Wellingborough from where they are shipped to East Africa, particularly Djibouti. We have included photos showing the knitwear being distributed and worn by some of the children.
We would like to thank the dozens of parishioners, their friends and friends of friends who have embraced this very worthy project. The clatter of knitting needles has been non-stop across Chester for many months and we should feel proud of the support we have provided to these delightful babies.
Sunday 22nd September: Display and knitting project sale after 11:00 Mass on 22nd September
Barbara Capstick from Holy Ascension will be in St Columba’s Hall to display some of the garments knitted to celebrate everyone’s sterling effort. There will also be balls of wool, patterns and knitting projects on sale at very reasonable prices. Please come along to the hall after this Mass to learn more.