CLICK Here to make a donation or to set up Online Giving
For those Parishioners who wish to use the Online Giving service instead of using the envelopes please click on the link above to set up online giving donations.
The online system can be used for one-off or additional donations, or to set up a regular monthly donation. Donations may be Gift Aided to help the Parish further. If you wish to Gift Aid, please tick the box that will be shown on the screen – even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish in relation to regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order.
Clicking the Online Giving button above takes you through to the system developed by the Diocese in association with the firm InvestMyCommunity, who will acknowledge all donations. Your donation is received by the Diocese, then added to our Parish account. On first use of the system you will need to set up an account, with password – a very simple process.
Please be aware that a minimum donation of £5 is requested when using this system. Please also be aware that you are offered the choice of donating anonymously, or adding your name. If you opt to display your name alongside the donation it may become visible to a wider internet audience.
Thank you for your support for the Parish.