Mass times:
Saturday: 6.30 PM – to book, please click here
Sunday: 11.00am
Wednesday 10.30 AM
Please note that:
From 19 July 2021 “there will no longer be restrictions on group sizes for attending communal worship.” This allows a return to pre-Covid-19 safety capacities whilst taking into account the latest guidance of the Bishops of England and Wales.
While we are glad to receive the news, we are aware that in our community, some of our parishioners, especially in the vulnerable category need extra care.
Parishioners who will need extra care when they come to pray with us should attend Saturday evening Masses – 5 PM in St Theresa and 6.30 PM in St. Columba’s. In these Masses, the previous measures will continue: social distancing as well as following the Capacity of our buildings. For these Masses, we advise people to book using the existing booking system.
For 9.30 AM Mass – St. Theresa and 11.00 AM Mass – St. Columba’s, the measures as announced by the Government will apply. No booking needed.
Please do not forget your face-covering!
To book for Saturday 6.30 PM Mass, please use the link below:
If you attend this Mass regularly you only need to fill in the form once.
Until further notice, Mass will continue to be live streamed on a Sunday morning from either St. Theresa’s at 9.30 am or St. Columba’s at 11.00 am and will be available later that day on our Facebook page.
Confessions: after the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Wednesdays, until 12 noon. Or by appointment by calling the parish office.