Please be aware of some changes to our Masses in response to Covid restrictions, designed to keep us all safe in church. During Mass:-
While we were glad to receive the news of the easing of lockdown restrictions we remain aware that in our community, some of our parishioners, especially in the vulnerable category, need extra care. We are also aware that Covid -19 cases are still significant. Hence:
- For Parishioners who will need extra care when they come to pray with us, they should attend Saturday evening Masses: 5.00pm in St Theresa’s and 6.30pm in St. Columba’s). In these Masses, the previous measures will continue: social distancing as well as following the Covid-19 Capacity of our buildings. For these Masses, we advise people to book using the existing booking system:
- For Sunday 9.30am Mass – St. Theresa’s and 11.00 Mass- St. Columba’s, the measures as announced by the Government will apply, following the general guidelines below:
General guidelines to observe:
- We continue to have sanitiser attheentrances and exits to our
- Stewarding will no longer be required; however, they will serve as welcomers.
- Congregational singing is permitted from 19th July; however, in our parish, this will be phased in gradually. We will continue to use Cantors/Choir as we were doing. Congregational singing will not be allowed at this moment.
- Sign in will be done through the NHS QR code at the entrances of our Churches. NHS Test, Track and Trace is still in operation in our church buildings.
- For the time being, our Holy Water Stoups will not be refilled. However, Holy water is available to all parishioners who need it.
- Servers, Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion can be fully deployed as needed.
- The Offertory Collection will resumed with baskets and pouches; however, online giving is encouraged.
- The Sign of Peace remains suspended in the Liturgy of the Mass to reduce physical contact between members of the congregation.
- Holy Communion will continue under one kind with no administration of the Chalice.
- Ministers are asked to sanitise their hands and wear face coverings as before.
- Holy Communion is still recommended on the hand though all who wish may receive on the tongue, but should be the last to receive communion.
- For the celebration of Baptism there are no restrictions on numbers though multiple Baptisms should be avoided.
- For the celebration of Marriages there is no restriction on numbers.
- For Funerals there is no restriction on numbers.
- Parish Social activities e.g. tea & coffee after Mass will be phased in gradually after completing a risk assessment.