21 APRIL 2024
Saturday 20th April
St. Theresa’s 5.00p.m Ruth O’Donnell RIP
St Columba’s 6.30p.m. The Parish
Sunday 21st April
St. Theresa’s. 9.30a.m. Parishioners’ Intentions
St. Columba’s 11.00a.m. Agnes Williams
Monday 22nd April
St Theresa’s 1.30p.m. Funeral Service Hilary Forshaw
St. Columba’s 10.30a.m. Suzanne Oakes RIP
Tuesday 23rd April – St. George, M. Solemnity
St. Theresa’s Special Intention
St. Columba’s Philip G Francis
Wednesday 24th April
St Theresa’s Priests’ Intentions
St Columba’s 9.30a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
10.15a.m. Novena Prayers
10.30a.m. David Charles Walpole RIP
Thursday 25th April – St Mark, Ev. Feast
St. Theresa’s Mae Dunne’s Intentions
St Columba’s Priests’ Intentions
Friday 26th April
St. Theresa’s 10.00a.m. Rose Mackie’s Intentions
St. Columba’s. Private Intention
Saturday 27th April
St. Theresa’s 5.00pm Tom Groome RIP
St Columba’s 6.30pm John Black
Sunday 28th April
St. Theresa’s 9.30a.m. Brian Kelley RIP
St. Columba’s 11.00a.m. Stuart Worrall Ann.
Please note if there is no time next to Mass it means there is no Mass for parishioners to attend that day but the Priests will say Mass privately.
POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS – For April – for the role of women – Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world.
LIVE STREAMING OF MASS: Mass will be streamed from St Theresa’s at 9.30a.m. this Sunday 21st April 2024 www.facebook.com/thecatholicparishofstcolumbaandsttheresa
CONFESSIONS: There will be Confessions after each weekday Mass until 11.30a.m.
St Columba’s: From 6pm before the 6.30p.m. Saturday evening Mass.
St Theresa’s: From 4.30p.m. before 5p.m. Saturday evening Mass.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Please remember in your prayers, Hilary Forshaw of Highfield Road and Celia Relish of Warwick Rd, who died recently. May the Lord console their family and friends. Hilary Forshaw’s funeral is on Monday 22nd April at 1.30 pm. Cecilia Relish’s funeral is on Monday 29th April at 11am. Both at St Theresa’s.
WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS AND FUNERALS: Please contact one of the Parish Offices to make your arrangements.
ANNIVERSARIES: Sheila Ann Gilfoyle, William (Jimmy) Hinde), Alice Harvey, Gerald O’Hanlon, Michael Thornber, John Bernard Douggie, Carol Anne Murray.
St Columba’s: Loose Plate £386.92; Planned Giving £162.00; Average weekly SO £574.00; Candles £24.27;
St Theresa’s: Loose Plate £tbc; Planned Giving £tbc; SO £161.00.
Many thanks for your generous support.
ST COLUMBA’S COFFEE ROTA: The coffee rota is on the noticeboard in St Columba’s Hall. Please enter your name and good cause against your preferred dates. You could make £30-£50 for your chosen cause.
21st April – Lina Greig for Hopeful Ugandan Hearts
28th April – volunteers please
5th May – Giovanne for Little Choir, music books
We pray for:
• Pray for the residents of Abbots Park, Milbourne Close, Neston Drive, Onslow Road, Springwood Close, Overwood Lane and Melverley Drive.
• For Sewing Groups.
DIOCESAN MARRIAGE MASS: The Annual Diocesan Marriage Mass will take place here at St Columba’s Church on Saturday 8th June 2024. If you have a special anniversary this year, please get in touch with the Diocese of Shrewsbury, Curial Offices, 2 Park Road South, Prenton, CH43 4UX or telephone 0151-652-9855. Many thanks.
SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: The next Chester Parishes Sacrament of Confirmation will be on 8th November 2024. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be led by St. Columba and St. Theresa’s Confirmation team. Anyone who is currently at high school may be Confirmed, with no upper age limit. If you wish to be Confirmed please email stcolumbatheresaconfirmation@hotmail.co.uk to register and receive further information. Please say if you are over 18, as adults will be prepared separately. For more information, please call Denise Lusk on 01244 379742.
BILINGUAL MASS: Bishop Mark will celebrate a bilingual Mass for all members of the Chinese Catholic community on Sunday 28th April at 2.30pm, at St Hugh’s & St John’s, Timperley. During the Mass, which will be concelebrated with Father Bruno Lepeu who is chaplain to the Chinese community, the Bishop will welcome members of the Chinese community who have been baptised or received into full communion with the Catholic Church in 2024. Please encourage these new members of the Church from the Chinese community in your parishes, to complete the attached booking form. The completed form should be forwarded to Father Tomasz Mamelka at the parish Office:@sthughandstjohntimperley.co.uk–using the email title ‘Bilingual Mass’ by Friday 25th April at the latest. All clergy who would like to join the Mass are also most welcome, please let Father Tomasz Mamelka know if you will be attending.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: We are delighted to announce that due to a couple of more volunteers, we can now offer Children’s Liturgy twice a month at St Columba’s. Thank you to all those who have expressed an interest in assisting with this vital part of the Mass and we hope that soon we will have enough volunteers to run it at both churches with the parish and each week. Should anybody be interested in helping with Children’s Liturgy please contact Gillian Blatch at gh.settle@gmail.com. The next Children’s Liturgy meeting will be held at 11 am Mass on Sunday 21st April at St Columba’s. Children of all ages are welcome to attend.
PRAYER AND THE SPIRITUAL LIFE WORKSHOP: Pope Francis has designated 2024 a Year of Prayer. He urges us to embrace prayer ‘as the royal road to holiness’. As part of your journey to deepen your prayer life, we invite you to access a workshop entitled Growth in Holiness: Prayer and the Spiritual Life offered to you freely by the Diocese of Shrewsbury, in conjunction with the Franciscan Catechetical Institute. Please see notice boards or visit this webpage for more information: https://www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org/growth-in-holiness-prayer-and-the-spiritual-life-workshop-offering-for-parishes/
A NEW VICAR GENERAL FOR THE DIOCESE: Canon Philip Moor VG continues to recover from his recent illness. He is aware that the road to recovery will be a long one, and we must give him all the space and time to recover his health and strength. I am grateful to Canon Jonathan Brandon for accepting my invitation to serve as a new Vicar General of the Diocese alongside Canon Michael Gannon VG. I am conscious that Jonathan is Parish Priest of one of the largest parishes of our Diocese, and I very much appreciate his generosity in being ready to undertake this service of the Diocese.
THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD – 9th MAY: The Ascension is a Holyday of Obligation and Mass will be at St Theresa’s at 10am and at St Columba’s at 7pm.
LOURDES APPEAL: Tony Murphy will be appealing at all Masses this weekend for volunteers to help at Lourdes.
PENTECOST APPEAL FOR THE SPIRITANS: The Holy Ghost Fathers, Spiritans (the Religious Order of Frs.William and Desmond) will be having a mission appeal in both churches in aid of their mission here in the UK and abroad, on Pentecost Sunday. Spiritan students: Caliel from Cameroon and Valentine from Nigeria will preachthe appeals. Parishioners are encouraged to contribute generously insupport of the Spiritan missions. Your donations make a lot of positiveimpact on the lives of your Christian brothers and sisters in need. For more information there are leaflets and envelopes available at the back of church.
HOLY PLACES: There will be a collection for “Holy Places” this week-end. This should have been collected during Holy Week-End. Many thanks.
CONTINUING SUPPORT FOR NEWBORN BABIES IN AFRICA: A request for unwanted sewing patterns for young children’s clothing, please. As part of our ongoing support for African children, we would like to make a variety of clothing for them, please arrange a handover with Margaret on 01244 318424.
NEEDLES AND PINS – WED 24TH APRIL: Everyone is invited to this friendly and welcoming needlecraft group in the Newman Room, between 2:00-4:00pm every fourth Wednesday of the month. Hope to see you.
THANK YOU: The Scones Cream and teas were a big success last Sunday thanks to all who came along to support the event. We made c.£225 which will go towards a better sound system at St Theresa’s. Please watch the newsletter and Notice boards for future events.
CHURCHES TOGETHER IN UPTON: The Annual Coach Outing will be held on Wednesday 29th May and will be to the church of Our Lady and St. Nicholas in Liverpool.See the Notice Boards for more details.
ST COLUMBA’S CHURCH & HALL BOOKINGS: To arrange meetings etc. in either the Church, Newman Room or the Iona Chapel, please book through Carol Galvin, St. Columba’s Church Office, phone: 01244 624019, email: stcolumbaschurch2016@outlook.com.
Office hours Monday to Friday 8.30a.m. to 12.30p.m.
Hall availability can be checked by looking at St Columba’s Church website – section for Church Hall gives a calendar of events in the Hall. Then contact Sue Carr on 07553 114531 or email columbashallbookings@gmail.com to arrange booking.
RIGHT TO LIFE (UK): Ask your MP to support the abortion time limit reduction amendmentSupport an amendment to reduce our abortion time limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks. Research indicates that a significant number of babies born at 22 or 23 weeks can now survive outside the womb, leaving a contradiction in our abortion law. Take action: Collect a postcard today from the back of the church and post it to your MP urgently in support of this amendment! – Our MP is Samantha Dixon.
DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS VACANCY: The Diocese is seeking to recruit a Director of Schools and applications are now open. Details of the role and the application process can be found at https://www.tes.com/jobs/vacancy/director-of-schools-birkenhead-2040730
THE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL is looking for exam invigilators to support the exams from as soon as possible. If anyone is interested please visit the school website Vacancies – The Chester Catholic High School (christofidelis.org.uk) or email Mr Kilcoyne School Business Manager kilcoynea@christofidelis.org.uk for more details.
RED BOXES (St Theresa’s): The boxes are available at the back of Church for you to collect. Thank you for your donations.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi.
CAFOD – CALL FOR A CEASEFIRE IN THE HOLY LAND: Thousands of people have been killed across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory as the region witnesses the deadliest days in recent history. CAFOD unequivocally condemns this shocking killing and kidnapping of civilians. But we know more violence is never the answer.The scale of the Israeli government’s violent retaliation is causing more civilian deaths and injuries. The decision to withhold food, water and fuel from reaching the two million inhabitants of Gaza – half of whom are children – will inevitably lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. Will you email the Foreign Secretary to urge the UK to play its part in upholding international law, ensuring humanitarian aid can reach people in need, and works with other world leaders to secure a lasting peace for the region? Go to cafod.org.uk for more details of what to email. In addition we could all consider doing what we can personally to make our views known to those in authority, our MPs for instance. Copies of a CAFOD’s prayer for peace in Israel and Gaza are available in the church porches.